Two Poles, Two Americans and a Scot walk into a Bar... or how Team Slut Check climbed to the top of the Alpine Cup!
Two Poles, Two Americans and a Scot walk into a Bar... or how Team Slut Check climbed to the top of the Alpine Cup!
DISCLAIMER: This tournament did not include the April Dataslate in its ruleset due to earlier cut-off date, but this article focuses on the winning team whose army composition remained mostly unaffected by the slate. Readers will still get value from seeing the lists used.
I would like to start this post with this simple statement: THIS HOBBY IS FREAKIN’ AMAZING. Why? There are many reasons, but for me the aspect that stands out is how it brings people together. How it creates the best experiences in people’s entire lives. How it makes you get on a plane or on a bus or into a car with 4 other guys to travel across the border of your city, your state or your country. And then it gets you into a hall where 200 maniacs similar to you have done exactly the same to push toy soldiers around. This is exactly what happened in this case with Team Slut Check comprised of some of the most talented people in the hobby:
Brian Seipp of Team
Innes Wilson of Team
Pumba of Team Poland
Typhus of Team Poland
Anthony Vanella of
Team USA
Hell… if they wanted
to remake Space Jam (but well) and somehow the premise was playing 40k and not
basketball, these would be the players I’d want to steal talent from. Or better
off – have on my team.
But the climb to the
top of the Alps is long and there were 40 other teams with the same goal in
mind. So let’s see what tools (beside their skills) did the Slut Check guys
bring to succeed in their endeavor.
First off, we have
Brian, who after his recent stint with Iron Hands, returns to his beloved Orks with a powerful
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Kommandos? What Kommandos... |
Player 2: Brian Seipp
Team: Slut Check
Factions Used: Orks
Army Points: 2000
Reinforcement Points: 0
Number of Units / Killpoints: 20
Pre Game Stratagems: Warlord Trait, Relic, Big
Boss, Extra Gubbinz, Heroic Support (Warboss)
Starting Command Points: 1
Warlord & Trait: Beastboss on Squigosaur - Proper
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 135
Bring it Down: 10
Assasination: 13
Abhor the Witch: 0
== Orks - [Goffs] - Ark of Omen Detachment [Fast
Attack] = -5CP, [120PL, 2000pts] ==
Kultur - No Mukkin' About
HQ: Beastboss on Squigosaur [9PL, 160pts] (Warlord)
- - - Warlord Trait: Proper Killy (-1CP)
- - - Relic: Beasthide Mantle (-1CP)
HQ: Warboss on Warbike [6PL, 115pts]
- - - Big Boss: Brutal but Kunnin (-1CP)
- - - Extra Gubbinz: Killa Klaw (-1CP)
- - - Heroic Support (Warboss) (-1CP)
HQ: Boss Zagstruk [6PL, 110pts]
TR: 10 Beast Snagga Boyz [5PL, 100pts]
TR: 10 Beast Snagga Boyz [5PL, 100pts]
TR: 10 Gretchin [2PL, 40pts]
TR: 10 Gretchin [2PL, 40pts]
TR: 10 Gretchin [2PL, 40pts]
- - - Specialist Mob: 'Orrible Gits
EL: 10 Kommandos [8PL, 125pts] Bomb Squig, Breacha
EL: 4 Mega Nobz [12PL, 120pts]
EL: 4 Mega Nobz [12PL, 120pts]
ELC: Nob with Waaagh! Banner [4PL, 70pts]
FA: 10 Stormboyz [6PL, 110pts] Power Klaw
FA: 10 Stormboyz [6PL, 110pts] Power Klaw
FA: 5 Stormboyz [3PL, 60pts] Power Klaw
FA: 3 Warbikers [4PL, 85pts] Power Klaw
FA: 3 Warbikers [4PL, 85pts] Power Klaw
HS: Battlewagon [8PL, 135pts] 'Ard Case, Deff Rolla
HS: Battlewagon [8PL, 135pts] 'Ard Case, Deff Rolla
DT: Trukk [4PL, 70pts]
DT: Trukk [4PL, 70pts]
At first glance this
list may look like nothing special and it seems to have been a theme at this
event. Orks are an extremely efficient and deadly army with potent secondaries
and strong table control. In the hands of an experienced player, who has
mastered all the intricacies of the fight phase (setting up charges, pile-ins,
tripointing, consolidations etc.), it will punch you in the teeth before you
realize what hit you.
Brian tells us what the thoughts behind his list are in the brand new episode of Contact Lost here:
Essentially the idea
is hyper aggression with smart use of vehicles to get in his opponent’s face as
fast as possible. It is a real potent tactic which gets even better with
masterful use of emergency disembarkation granting you additional movement and
with WTC terrain which is way more dense than UKTC terrain that Brian is used
to normally. With all that combined, as Pumba says it, this guy simple DOES
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Brian ruthlessly defeats Vladdi |
Next up we have Innes
Wilson with the good ol’ GSC list which remains unchanged since Coventry
(November 2022):
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Player: Innes "Trucks = Gaslighting" Wilson
Team: Slut Check
Factions Used: Genestealer Cults
Army Points: 2000
Reinforcement Points: 0
Number of Units / Killpoints: 16
Pre Game Stratagems: Warlord, Relic, Gene-Sire'Gifts x2
Starting Command Points: 2
Warlord & Trait: Primus - Focus of Adoration
Army Trait: Crossfire
Secondary Objective Information
No Prisoners: 172 (15)
Bring it Down: n/a
Assassination: 19
Abhor the Witch: n/a
== Genestealer Cults - [Myriad Cult] - Ark of Omen Detachment [Troops] = -4CP,
[97PL, 2000pts] ==
Cult Creed: Industrial Affinity, Accustomed to Toil, War Convoy, Cold-Eyed
HQ: Acolyte Iconward [4PL, 65pts]
HQ: Primus [4PL, 70pts] (Warlord)
- - - Warlord Trait : Focus of Adoration (-1CP)
TR: 5 Acolyte Hybrid [3PL, 45pts] Cult Lash Whip
TR: 5 Acolyte Hybrid [3PL, 45pts] Cult Lash Whip
TR: 20 Neophyte Hybrid [9PL, 205pts] 4 Seismic Cannon, Web Pistol, 4 Webber, 11
Cult Shotgun, Cult Icon
- - - Proficient Planning : A Perfect Ambush
TR: 20 Neophyte Hybrid [9PL, 200pts] 4 Seismic Cannon, Web Pistol, 4 Webber, 11
Cult Shotgun
- - - Proficient Planning : Lying in Wait
TR: 20 Neophyte Hybrid [9PL, 200pts] 4 Seismic Cannon, Web Pistol, 4 Webber,
Cult Icon
- - - Proficient Planning : From Every Angle
TR: 20 Neophyte Hybrid [9PL, 205pts] 4 Seismic Cannon, Web Pistol, 4 Webber, 11
Cult Shotgun, Cult Icon
- - - Proficient Planning : A Trap Sprung
EL: Sanctus [3PL, 70pts] Cult Sniper Rifle
EL: 10 Purestrain Genestealer [8PL, 150pts]
- - - Proficient Planning : They Came From Below
ELC: Clamavus [3PL, 45pts]
- - - Relic : Oppressor's Bane (-1CP)
ELC: Kelermorph : [3PL, 80pts]
- - - Gene-Sire's Gifts : Wyrmtooth Rounds (-1CP)
ELC: Nexos [3PL, 50pts]
- - - Gene-Sire's Gifts : Cranial Inlay (-1CP)
FA: 8 Atalan Jackal [9PL, 190pts] 2 Atalan Wolfquad, 2 Atalan Incinerator, 2
Demolition Charge, 2 Grenade Launcher, 10 Atalan Power Weapon
FA: 8 Atalan Jackal [9PL, 190pts] 2 Atalan Wolfquad, 2 Atalan Incinerator, 2
Demolition Charge, 2 Grenade Launcher, 10 Atalan Power Weapon
FA: 8 Atalan Jackal [9PL, 190pts] 2 Atalan Wolfquad, 2 Atalan Incinerator, 2
Demolition Charge, 2 Grenade Launcher, 10 Atalan Power Weapon
In our interview before the LGT in September 2022 Innes joked that hardly anyone understands how this list works. Seven months later this statement still holds up. GSC is an army with an enormous skill curve and a high skill ceiling. It is almost as hard to learn to pilot it as it is to understand what every single piece of the puzzle does and what it can do to you. It also cleverly sets a trap for the unprepared: the 6 character should easily score you Assassinate, right? RIGHT?! Think again. You will hardly ever get to see them, not to mention target them because as soon as turn two comes you will get bogged down by neophytes arriving all over the table from underground. And if you try anything fancy turn 1 – bikes will have to explain to you how wrong you are. And do not underestimate the bikes. Not only are they more durable than they look with inbuilt -1 to hit, but they also bring 2 Wolfquads with 4 wounds a piece. Think you can remove them? If you try, make sure you remove the whole squad because these beauties regenerate and guess what will regenerate first? Yup, once of the quads you have just killed. Tough. Now add Innes Wilson to the mix as the list’s pilot…
Next up we have Pumba
and his Iron Hands that he had taken instead of Dark Angels in a last minute
change of heart. And maybe… just maybe Innes, Brian and Anthony had something
to do with it.
+ PLAYER: 'Pumba'
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 6 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 = 0
+ WARLORD & TRAIT: Primaris Techmarine: Target Protocols
No Prisoners: 94
Bring it Down: 6
Assassination: 10
Abhor the Witch: N/A
== Ark of Omen Detachment (Compulsory Heavy Support) (Imperium – Iron Hands
Successor: Master Artisans, Whirlwind of Rage) (0CP)
HQ1 Primaris Lieutenant: Neo-volkite pistol, Master-crafter powersword, Storm
Shield = (4PL, -1CP, 65pts)
—— Warlord Trait: Rites of War
HQ2 Primaris Techmarine: WARLORD = (4PL, -1CP, 70pts)
—— Warlord Trait: Target Protocols
TR1 Infiltrator Squad: Infiltrator Sergeant, 4x Infiltrator, Helix Adept = (5PL,
TR2 Infiltrator Squad: Infiltrator Sergeant, 4x Infiltrator, Helix Adept =
(5PL, 100pts)
EL1 Scout Squad = (4PL, 60pts)
—— Scout Sergeant: Combi-melta, Thunder hammer, Camo cloak
—— 3x Scout: Scout sniper rifle, Camo cloak
—— Scout: Missile-launcher, Camo cloak
EL2 Vanguard Veteran Squad = (7PL, 150pts)
—— Vanguard Veteran Sergeant: Relic blade, Lightning claw, Jump pack
—— 4x Vanguard Veteran: Storm Shield, Lightning claw, Jump pack
EL3 Vanguard Veteran Squad = (7PL, 150pts)
—— Vanguard Veteran Sergeant: Relic blade, Lightning claw, Jump pack
—— 4x Vanguard Veteran: Storm Shield, Lightning claw, Jump pack
EL4 (Character Slot) Relic Contemptor Dreadnought: Cyclone missile launcher, 2x
Twin volkite culverin = (8PL, -3CP, 195pts)
—— March of the Ancients (Character)
—— Warlord trait: Merciless Logic
FA1 Land Speeder Tornado: Multi-melta, Assault cannon = (4PL, 70pts)
FA2 Land Speeder Tornado: Multi-melta, Assault cannon = (4PL, 70pts)
FA3 Land Speeder Tornado: Multi-melta, Assault cannon = (4PL, 70pts)
HS1 Devastator Squad = (8PL, 135pts)
—— Devastator Sergeant: Combi-melta, Thunder hammer
—— 2x Devastator Marine, 2x Grav-cannon,
—— 2x Devastator Marine, 2x Multi-melta,
—— Armourium cherub
HS2 Devastator Squad = (8PL, 135pts)
—— Devastator Sergeant: Combi-melta, Thunder hammer
—— 2x Devastator Marine, 2x Grav-cannon,
—— 2x Devastator Marine, 2x Multi-melta,
—— Armourium cherub
HS3 Desolation Squad = (8PL, 185pts)
—— Desolation Sergeant: Castellan launcher, Vengor launcher, Targeter Optics
—— 4x Desolation Marine: Castellan launcher, Super-krak launcher
HS4 Desolation Squad = (8PL, -1CP, 185pts)
—— Desolation Sergeant: Castellan launcher, Vengor launcher, Targeter Optics
—— 4x Desolation Marine: Castellan launcher, Super-krak launcher
—— Scion of the Forge: Master-crafted Weapon - Vengor Launcher
HS5 Eradicator Squad = (7PL, 135pts)
—— Eradicator Sergeant: Heavy melta rifle
—— 1x Eradicator: Heavy melta rifle
—— 1x Eradicator: Multi-melta
DT1 Land Speeder Storm = (3PL, 50pts)
DT3 Drop Pod: Deathwind launcher = (4PL, 70pts)
++ TOTAL [121PL, 1995pts]
Space Marines got
ridiculously strong thanks to the previous Dataslate and all the points
reductions. Your choice before the April Dataslate essentially boiled down to
three choices: DA Terminator spam, IH gunline with combat elements or Meltarats
otherwise known as Space Wolves. These builds were quite powerful on their own,
but Manchester GT demonstrated, that with help of a new little 5 man unit,
Space Marines power level can easily be over 9000: in come the Desolation
Marines. Pumba’s list takes advantage from taking two such squads, that provide
Space Marines with tools they had not had before – the ability to clear enemy’s
hidden scoring units with extreme ease. Especially in Iron Hands, with uncapped
Codex Warfare and other uncomplicated secondaries, this army made Tau feel
irrelevant. Just look at that Heavy Support slot… Add to that the character
Dreadnought, combat-proficient Vanguard Vets with exploding 6’s to hit and the
Thunder Hammer as a cherry on top – Pumba possibly couldn’t have concocted a
more potent Space Marines list.
The next army choice
might raise a brow or two as Typhus entered the fray with a ballsy Necrons list:
Player 69: "Typhus"
Team: Slut Check
Factions Used: Necrons
Army Points: 1999
Reinforcement Points: 1 so enough for a night with Anthony
Number of Units / Killpoints: 20
Pre Game Stratagems: Relic, Warlord Trait, Dynastic Heirlooms
Starting Command Points: 3
Warlord & Trait: Catacomb Command Barge, Enduring Will
Secondary Objectives Information:
No Prisoners: 132 Wounds (15)
Bring it Down: 3
Assasination: 16
Abhor the Slut: None lol
== Necrons – Nihilakh – Fast Attack Arks of Omen Detachment = -3CP, [117PL,
1999pts] ==
HQ1: Catacomb Command Barge, Warlord [150pts, 9PL, -2CP]
---- Weapon: Gauss Cannon, Staff of Light
---- Relic: Voltaic Staff
---- Trait: Enduring Will
HQ2: Chronomancer [110pts, 7PL]
---- Weapon: Entropic Lance
---- Arkana: Countertemporal Nanomines
HQ3: Technomancer with Canoptek Cloak [85pts, 6PL, -1CP]
---- Relic: Veil of Darkness
---- Arkana: Prismatic Obfuscatron
ELITE1: 6 Skorpekh Destroyers [180pts, 8PL]
ELITE2: 3 Skorpekh Destroyers [90pts, 4PL]
CHAR ELITE1: Hexmark Destroyer [65pts, 4PL]
CHAR ELITE2: Hexmark Destroyer [65pts, 4PL]
NO SLOT1: Canoptek Plasmacyte [15pts, 1PL]
NO SLOT2: Canoptek Plasmacyte [15pts, 1PL]
NO SLOT3: Canoptek Plasmacyte [15pts, 1PL]
FA1: 3 Canoptek Scarab Swarms [45pts, 2PL]
FA2: 3 Ophydian Destroyers [90pts, 4PL]
FA3: 7 Triarch Praetorians, Rods of Covenant [140pts, 12PL]
FA4: 5 Tomb Blades [105pts, 8PL]
---- 1 Tomb Blade with Particle Beamer, Shadowloom and Shieldvanes
---- 4 Tomb Blades with Particle Beamer and Shadowloom
FA5: 3 Tomb Blades [63pts, 4PL]
---- 1 Tomb Blade with Particle Beamer and Shieldvanes
---- 2 Tomb Blades with Particle Beamer and Shadowloom
FA6: 3 Tomb Blades [63pts, 4PL]
---- 1 Tomb Blade with Particle Beamer and Shieldvanes
---- 2 Tomb Blades with Particle Beamer and Shadowloom
HS1: 7 Lokhust Destroyers, Heavy Destroyer with Gauss Destructor [285pts, 15PL]
HS2: Lokhust Heavy Destoyer, Gauss Destructor [50pts, 3PL]
HS3: 6 Lokhust Destroyers, Heavy Destroyer with Gauss Destructor [245pts, 13PL]
FLYER1: Night Scythe [120pts, 7PL]
Definitely not an
obvious choice, this list was designed by Gyto (a Polish prodigy, Polish NT
member and our Necron faction specialist) to tackle Astra Militarum. And if not
that, then to steal points efficiently wherever possible. It is incredibly fast
and Nihilakh, or rather “I have obsec on everything” Dynasty makes up for a
very uncomfortable match-up, no matter what army the opponents pair into you.
Typhus, with a notepad full of Gyto’s remarks and hints piloted it exactly as
Last but not least, we
have Anthony with his World Eaters:
Army name: WE
Factions used: Chaos - World Eaters
Command Points: 6-1-1=4
Total cost: 2000 pts, 112 PL
Reinforcement Points: none pts
Number of Units: 18
Assassination: 7 points
Bring it Down: 4 points
No Prisoners: 14 points (total wounds: 125)
Abhor the Witch: 0 points
== World Eaters Arks of Omen == 0 CP, 2000 pts, 112 PL
HQ1: Lord Invocatus: Bolt pistol, Coward's Bane, Juggernaut's
bladed horn, Road of Eight Bloody Steps, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Warlord [160
pts, 8 PL, -1 CP]
HQ2: World Eaters Lord on Juggernaut: Berzerker Glaive, Exalted chainblade,
Juggernaut's bladed horn, Plasma pistol, Stratagem: Relic [125 pts, 6
PL, -1 CP]
TR1: Khorne Berserkers: Berserker icon, Khorne Berserker Champion (Berserker
chainblade, Bolt pistol), 3xKhorne Berserker w/ chainblade (Berserker
chainblade, Bolt pistol), Khorne Berserker w/ eviscerator (Bolt pistol,
Khornate eviscerator) [120 pts, 6 PL]
TR2: Khorne Berserkers: Berserker icon, Khorne Berserker Champion (Berserker
chainblade, Bolt pistol), 3xKhorne Berserker w/ chainblade (Berserker
chainblade, Bolt pistol), Khorne Berserker w/ eviscerator (Bolt pistol,
Khornate eviscerator) [120 pts, 6 PL]
TR3: Khorne Berserkers: Berserker icon, Khorne Berserker Champion (Berserker
chainblade, Bolt pistol), 3xKhorne Berserker w/ chainblade (Berserker
chainblade, Bolt pistol), Khorne Berserker w/ eviscerator (Bolt pistol,
Khornate eviscerator) [120 pts, 6 PL]
TR4: Khorne Berserkers: Berserker icon, Khorne Berserker Champion (Berserker
chainblade, Bolt pistol), 3xKhorne Berserker w/ chainblade (Berserker
chainblade, Bolt pistol), Khorne Berserker w/ eviscerator (Bolt pistol,
Khornate eviscerator) [120 pts, 6 PL]
TR5: Khorne Berserkers: Khorne Berserker Champion (Berserker chainblade, Bolt
pistol), 3xKhorne Berserker w/ chainblade (Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol),
Khorne Berserker w/ eviscerator (Bolt pistol, Khornate eviscerator) [115 pts, 6
EL1: Eightbound: 3xEightbound (2xEightbound eviscerator), Eightbound Champion
(Lacerators) [160 pts, 12 PL]
EL2: Eightbound: 3xEightbound (2xEightbound eviscerator), Eightbound Champion
(Lacerators) [160 pts, 12 PL]
EL3: Eightbound: 3xEightbound (2xEightbound eviscerator), Eightbound Champion
(Lacerators) [160 pts, 12 PL]
EL4: Exalted Eightbound: 2xExalted Eightbound (Eightbound chainfist, Eightbound
eviscerator), Exalted Eightbound Champion (Two eviscerator chainfists
(2xEightbound eviscerator)) [135 pts, 7 PL]
EL5: Exalted Eightbound: 2xExalted Eightbound (Eightbound chainfist, Eightbound
eviscerator), Exalted Eightbound Champion (Two eviscerator chainfists
(2xEightbound eviscerator)) [135 pts, 7 PL]
EL6: Exalted Eightbound: 2xExalted Eightbound (Eightbound chainfist, Eightbound
eviscerator), Exalted Eightbound Champion (Two eviscerator chainfists
(2xEightbound eviscerator)) [135 pts, 7 PL]
FA1: Chaos Spawn: Chaos Spawn [25 pts, 1 PL]
FA2: Chaos Spawn: Chaos Spawn [25 pts, 1 PL]
FA3: Chaos Spawn: Chaos Spawn [25 pts, 1 PL]
DT1: Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter [80 pts, 4 PL]
DT2: Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter [80 pts, 4 PL]
This list (or even the
whole army) is as fun to play as it is powerful – to the EXTREME. Similarly to Brian’s
Ork list it has all the tools necessary to apply early pressure. It literally
floods you with devastating combat units and the player piloting them does not
really care if they live or die – he benefits anyway. With access to extremely
good secondaries, powerful stratagems and above all – speed – this army is an
invaluable tool to have both in singles and teams events. And with Anthony, who
clearly forgot what statistics is when rolling saves, it definitely is a force
to be reckoned with.
Check out how they
paired and what their individual results were here:
The results speak for
itself. Brian with an almost perfect score, dropping only 8 points to a World
Eaters list (and win 12:8). Typhus stealing points here and there and showing
the pre-nerf Astra Militarum the true nature of Necrons (13:7 win and a 10:10
draw). Pumba doing Pumba things with IH and losing a single game against DA.
And Innes and Anthony bringing two-digit scores in almost every of their games.
5 wins. 10 points total. That is how you reach the summit!
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the damn thing leaks... |
Team Slut Check
dominated at Alpine, which turned out to be a huge success. Congratz to Isik –
the organizer – for the highest standard of organisation and an event that
people are already looking forward to next year.
And a huge congratz to
the players for showing up, demonstrating great sportsmanship and piloting some
of the most beautiful armies this hobby has ever seen. See for yourself:
It is extremely
satisfying to see armies below S-Tier (not you Pumba) winning events. And it is even more satisfying to see that more and more TOs decide to organize Team
events instead of singles.
Over here in Poland,
we believe that Teams is the embodiment of what this hobby is all about – the camaraderie,
exchange of thought, fighting for every point and the mind-games in the pairing
Team play in 40k allows
you to experience the game on a completely new level, it is the next, higher
level of play where you need to stop thinking about individual success and
focus on the “greater good” of the team. You need to play every game to the
last minute, last mini on the table because even a single point could change
the course of the match-up.
Also, team play has
the potential to make bad armies good and good armies even better. In teams, if
the pairings are done well, you will not only manage to avoid whatever the bad
touch for your army might be, but also you could take full advantage of your
army when paired exactly into an opponent that your army was designed to beat.
Skew lists and armies are a thing in teams and you will often times see them
place well in teams tournaments, however you would never see them placing well
in singles.
Team tournaments open up a sea of opportunities, so if you are
looking for a new purpose, a new challenge in the wait for 10th
edition – jump into team play and see for yourself!
Author: Tomek 'tweak' Data
Photos courtesy of Blaine
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